Sunday, October 17, 2010


Hello Everyone!

I am selling my copy of the book LEARNING TO BE A DOLL ARTIST by Martha Armstrong-Hand. It is highly saught-after by doll artists, describing the process of making porcelain BJD's. It became extremely popular after it was mentioned by Marina Bychkova - the artist of Enchanted Dolls.

The book is in a very good condition. Almost like new. It is written in a clear language, with black-and-white photos of the process. It is especially valuable for those dolls artists searching for the secrets of stringing porcelain bjd's using a spring stringing system, so that they can hold poses, stand better and have a more secure articulation.

I am selling my book on
It is almost not possible to find this book in Europe. So, I hope I will make some doll artist from Europe happy :)


Ich verkaufe meine Kopie von ‘LEARNING TO BE A DOLL ARTIST’ Buch  von Martha Armstrong-Hand.

Das Buch wird von Puppen-Künstlern sehr gesucht, um ein Spring-Stringing-System für den Porzellan-BJD's zu lernen, so dass die Puppen Posen halten, besser stehen und eine sicherere Aussprache haben werden. Aber es gibt auch eine komplette Beschreibung des Produktionsprozesses fuer Porzellan BJDs.

Es wurde äußerst populär, nachdem es von Marina Bychkova – die  Künstlerin  von ENCHANTED DOLLS erwähnt wurde.
Buch ist in sehr gutem Zustand, aber nicht neu (einfach, weil es in 1999 ausgegeben wurde). Sauber, keine Markierungen, runzlige Seiten, usw. 
Es wird in einer klaren Sprache mit schwarz-weiß-fotos des Prozesses geschrieben.

Ich verkaufe mein Buch auf
Es ist fast unmöglich, dieses Buch in Europa zu finden. Also, ich hoffe, dass ich einen Puppen-Künstler von Europa glücklich machen werde :)

8. Fashion Doll Convention in Wiesbaden 2010

Hi, everyone!
Just wanted to post some photos from the 8. Fashion Doll Convention in Wiesbaden. It was my first time to take part in such an event, but I think it went good. I met some interesting doll-lovers, showed my dolls and just spent the whole day in a wonderful atmosphere of Barbie World!
And I want to give a BIG hug to my husband, who was with me and provided his loving support :)

Ich moechte nur ein paar Fotos von 8. Fashion Doll Convention in Wiesbaden  here posten. Das war mein 1. Mal in einer von solche Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen. Ich glaube das ist gelungen. Ich habe einige interessante Leute kennegelernt, meine Puppen presentiert, Lob bekommen ;) und einfach den ganzen Tag in eine wundervolle Ambiente der BarbieWelt verbracht!
Vielen-vielen Dank fuer meinen Mann, der dort mit mir war und hat mich sehr unterstuetzt.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

8. Fashion Doll Convention in Wiesbaden

Am ende dieser Woche nehme ich an 8. Fashion Doll Convention in Wiesbaden teil. Ich bin sehr aufgeregt, weil das mein 1. mal wird, meine Puppen zu presentieren. Ich hoffe alles wird gut und ich viel Spass haben werde. Die Puppen haben schon ihre neuen Kleidungen bekommen, Fotosession stattgefunden, die Verpackungboxes bestellt (falls ich was verkaufe ;)) Auf jeden Fall ich freue mich!!!

About one month ago I decided to take part in 8. Fashion Doll Convention in Wiesbaden. Couple of times I visited the convention to buy me some new dolls, but this time I will try my chances and to show some of my creations, to see the reaction of doll fans and maybe even to sell some of the stuff :)

So, the time is getting near - it is already end of this week, on 26.09.10 in Georg-Lang-Halle, Möwenstraße 6, 65201 Wiesbaden. I am really exited.

To show the dresses I've made, I purchased the Barbie dolls from Top Model Collection, Fashionista Barbie and Ken. The dolls are already in their new clothes, had a photo session and are waiting to be presented to the public :)I am expecting to receive the boxes, I've ordered for the dolls to be sold. I hope I will look "professional" on the Convention :) Oh, and there will be some pieces of hand made furniture for the dolls in 1/6 scale.

But there are still sooo many things to be done! And I hope to finish one more doll especially for the Convention. It is going to be a Barbie from the New Basic Collection in a French Court Dress. I hope she is going to look great in it and ... not very traditional ;)

I think the event will be an exiting experience for me and of course I'll post the report of it and photos on my blog.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Some of my Paradise Croshet Costumes

I would like to show some of the crocheted costumes, I've made for my dolls from Paradise Crochet Collection. I began to make them about 1,5 year ago and since then I am in love with the patterns of the company. I think that Fashion Royalty Dolls and Barbie Collectibles look just great in the historical dresses of the romantic epoch :)

My New Blog!

Hello Everyone!

I am finely creating the blog about my collection of fashion dolls and what I make for them - dresses and furniture, dioramas, and, hopefully, soon, about me making my first BJD doll. I am very excited and hope to have lots of fun with this blog, as well as you.